Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara

Suppression Frigate (HW3)
Ship Information
Anti-Strike Craft
Ship Type
Assault Frigate
RU Cost
850 RUs
Technical Information
220 m/s
MK.4 Light Ballistic Cannon (LBC)
Light Rapid Fire Railgun (RFR)
Homeworld 3 Era

Full Attributes[]

  • Cost: 850 RUs
  • Build Time: 35s
  • Unit Cap: 15 Campaign
  • Hitpoints: 26500
  • Main Engine Max Speed: 220
  • Rotation Max Speed: 35
  • Relative Mass: 10000 (46000 tons)
  • Primary Sensor Range: 5000
  • Visual Range: 1000
  • Retaliation Range: 2150
  • Abilities:
    • Fusion Rounds: Fire a salvo of high-yield Fusion Rounds at the target. Cooldown 45.

In-Game Description[]

A very capable Anti-Strikecraft Frigate.

Strong vs. Strikecraft and formations.

Weak vs. long-range, single-target, damage-based opponents.

The "D'neymon"-class Frigate is a dedicated, medium range Anti-Strikecraft platform. Its light cannons are linked to a fire control system that is twice as powerful as the ones found in most other Frigate-class vessels.

Technical Manual Description[]

The D'neymon class Suppression frigate is a dedicated, medium range anti-Strikecraft platform. Its light cannons are linked to a fire control system twice as powerful as the ones found in most other frigate class vessels. As a Strikecraft suppression frigate, the D'neymon is known for its advanced targeting systems and intense training. Its gunnery crews often take home Angel-Rank awards from various fleet competitions.

The most renowned D'neymon, the FA-2172 R'del Shar which takes its name from a Kharakian sandflower with deadly thorns, has taken the Accuracy Title at the last 5 consecutive Fleet Combat Trials. It should also be noted that the R'del Shar has also received the Starburst for Heroism Commendation for its actions during Operation Far Trade when it single handedly routed 5 squadrons of Kalan Raider Tarazed pursuit fighters.[1]

War Games Artifacts[]

  • None available for this ship.


The spiritual successor to the Flak Frigate, the Suppression Frigate is a lot less effective than its description implies. Its weapons are not much better than an Assault Frigate against Strike Craft, do not do much against Corvettes and do virtually nothing to anything larger. Compared to its Incarnate counterpart the Missile Frigate it is slightly tougher, but otherwise relatively the same in effectiveness. It is not recommended to use them.

In the War Games, it is unfortunately completely useless. With no Artifacts to enhance it and its weapon effectives only really being against one single enemy type, it is a waste of Frigate fleet slots to build these. Avoid at all costs.


