Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara
"Scientific specialist and representative of Kiith S'jet. Quick select with F4." — In game description

Science Baserunner
Vehicle Information
Basic Vehicle
Science Utility Vehicle
Vehicle Type
Technical Information
56 meters
75 km/h
1x Autocannon
Rate of Fire
Note: These are stats are from multiplayer.
Campaign units have different stats.

The NBR-12A Science Team Baserunner is a Kiith S'jet-modified version of the Kiith Naabal-designed deployment vehicle used by the Coalition of the Northern Kiithid. A single one was deployed during the expedition Operation Khadiim, commanded by science officer Rachel S'jet.


The "Baserunner" expedition support vehicle was a reliable workhorse that was used to deploy sensors, turrets, minefields, and aerial drones. The vehicle was manned by a crew of ten. Most Kiithid also operated specialized variants of the baserunner.

Each Kiith military has its own version of the Baserunner. The S'jet are no exception. Leveraging their mastery of science, they have built upon the initial Naabal design to create a highly sophisticated science utility vehicle. Outfitted with an integrated onboard technology suite second only to those found aboard coalition capital ships, this baserunner has the power and ability to conduct full spectrum scans, hard data analysis, sub-surface exploration and rapid 3D projection modelling while out in the field. It has also been outfitted with a modified repair beam, adding to its already significant deployment value.


S'jet Baserunner

The Science Baserunner at night.

Rachel S'jet is introduced as a science specialist with a modified variant of the baserunner that is equipped with sophisticated scientific equipment. She is overall in charge of artifact analysis, exploration and shipbreaking while also searching for her lost brother. Throughout the campaign, she discovers numerous artifacts which also aids in the expeditions progress and when she reaches Khar-Toba, she gains control of an Taiidan orbital satellite weapon with the help of her brother.

Rachel S'jet's survival is paramount throughout the campaign, and it is an expedition long, permanent object to ensure her survival. If her science baserunner is destroyed, it will result in mission failure. Thankfully, the science baserunner has significantly more hull strength than standard baserunners, and can effectively tank damage for significant amounts of time, particularly earlier in the campaign.

The science baserunner features few offensive capabilities, lacking the ability to deploy turrets or mines. The autocannon provides negligible defence against light attacks. However, its armor and hull far exceed that of a regular baserunner, allowing the crew to endure punishing attacks for far longer. Artillery cruisers and heavy railguns generally pose the most potent threat against Rachel's survival throughout the expedition.

The science baserunner features numerous abilities. Being the first to devise ship breaking plans, the science baserunner is the first vehicle to gain the ability to launch demolition charges that are manually detonated. The science baserunner replaces its drone pad with a repair beam to restore nearby friendly vehicles. While lacking drones, it still retains the capability to deploy scanners. Throughout the expedition, Rachel discovers ways to hack and hijack Gaalsien ships, including cruisers later on. During the attack on a Gaalsien base, the science baserunner gains the ability to launch EMP disruptors which disables (non-cruiser) enemy vehicles and base defenses for an extended period of time. In the final mission, the science baserunner links up with the Taiidan satellite weapon and configures it to fire a wide and focused beam strike to turn tide of the battle in the final showndown at Khar-Toba with K'had Sajuuk.


Rachel S'jet can hack and commandeer Gaalsien production cruisers, which can then build Gaalsien hovercraft (advanced hack only). Any hacked regular units first need to return to the Kapisi to be fully converted and controllable. They can still be destroyed on the way. Once converted, they will count towards the fleet supply total but can exceed the cap.

Most abilities unlock after specific points in the campaign.

Name Effect Cooldown Cost
Deploy Scanner Deploys a scanner 10s 25 CUs
Demolition Charge Launches a demolition charge 1s 25 CUs
Repair Repairs nearby friendly vehicles 0s None
Hack/Advanced Hack Takes control of an enemy vehicle 60s 75 RUs
Launch EMP Disruptor Disables enemy vehicles in an area 120s None
Orbital Weapon - Broad Fires a broad energy beam 100s None
Orbital Weapon - Narrow Fires a narrow energy beam 140s None

Orbital Weapon firing modes will both go on cooldown when either one is used.


There are several upgrades that can be research enhancing the science baserunners ability to repair and hack, as well as general upgrades to its hull and weapons.

Name CU Cost RU Cost Time Effect
Rachel S'jet - Repair Speed 650 CUs 0 RUs 15s Increase repair speed by 25%
Rachel S'jet - Combat Upgrade 750 CUs 50 RUs 20s Increases hull and weapon damage by 25%
Rachel S'jet - Support Upgrade 1200 CUs 300 RUs 25s Reduce resource cost of all support abilities by 50%
Rachel S'jet - Repair Upgrade 600 CUs 25 RUs 15s Adds an area of effect to repair ability
Rachel S'jet - Hack Upgrade 800 CUs 250 RUs 15s Hack can now control cruisers, turrets and turret control towers
Rachel S'jet - Support Upgrade 1200 CUs 300 RUs 25s Reduces the cooldown of all her support abilities by 50%
Rachel S'jet - EMP Damage 500 CUs 75 RUs 30s EMP ability will deal an additional 500 damage


  • This baserunner debuted in the first cinematic of the first Homeworld game, seen approaching the Khar-Toba.
  • The science baserunner was operated by a crew of eleven.
Ships of Kharak
Coalition Ships
Basic Vehicles
Salvagers Foreman-class Multi-Utility Support Vehicle (DoK)
Light Attack Vehicles Pathfinder-class Light Attack Vehicle (DoK)
Baserunners Coalition Baserunner (DoK) • Disruptor-class Baserunner (DoK) • Science Team Baserunner (DoK)
Heavy Vehicles
Assault Vehicles Phalanx-class Armored Assault Vehicle (DoK)
Railguns Horizon-class Railgun (DoK) • Vista-class Railgun (DoK)
Air Defense Systems Catalyst-class Missile Battery Vehicle (DoK)
Logistical Support Cruisers Coalition Cargo Cruiser (DoK) • Warden-class Support Cruiser (DoK)
Assault Cruisers Eclipse-Class Artillery Cruiser (DoK) • Zenith-class Armored Capital Ship (DoK) • Vanguard-class Battlecruiser (DoK) • Spearhead-class Battlecruiser (DoK)
Fighters Hammer-class Strike Fighter (DoK)
Gunships Forge-class Gunship (DoK)
Bombers Anvil-class Tactical Bomber (DoK)
Landers Lander (DoK)
Carriers Ifriit-class Heavy Carrier (DoK) • Sakala-class Command Carrier (KapisiSakala) (DoK) • Soban Carrier (DoK)
Weapons & Logistics Platforms Sentinel-class Turret Post (DoK) • Defender-class Anti-Air Turret Post (DoK) • Shroud-class Disruption Device (DoK) • Watchman-class Tower Deployable (DoK) • Guardsman-class Tower Deployable (DoK) • Vigil-class Mine (DoK)
Drones Scyer-class Probe (DoK)
Gaalsien Ships
Basic Vehicles
Salvagers Slaa-class Multi-Utility Support Craft (DoK)
Light Attack Vehicles Sam't-class Sandskimmer (DoK)
Baserunners B'tir-class Deep Desert Support Craft (DoK) • Shadow Runner-class Defensive Support Craft (DoK)
Heavy Vehicles
Assault Vehicles Aard'th Saar-class Assault Ship (DoK)
Railguns P'torr-class Ultra Long-Range Platform (DoK) • P'Chirri-class Assault Railgun (DoK)
Air Defense Systems M'Toth-class Missile Ship (DoK)
Logistical Support Cruisers Caaw Duk-class Production Cruiser (DoK) • Edge-class Support Capital Ship (DoK)
Assault Cruisers Gauntlet-class Long Range Capital Ship (DoK) • Skaad'l-class Siege Cruiser (DoK) • Sajuuk Taa-class Honorguard Cruiser (DoK)
Fighters F'xbat-class Interceptor (DoK)
Bombers Bokiir-class Precision Bomber (DoK)
Carriers Corvaal-class Carrier (DoK) • Khaaneph Carrier (DoK)
Flagship Carriers Hand of Sajuuk-class Ultra Heavy Carrier (DoK)
Drones Nova-class Explosive Strikecraft (DoK)
Non-Kharaki Ships
Weapons Platforms Orbital Ion Cannon Turret (DoK)
Super Capital Ships
Dreadnoughts Kalash (DoK)
Non-Combat Ships
Logistical Support Ships Khar-Toba (HW/HW2/DoK)