Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara

The Resource Collector is a ship that is used by the Hiigarans to collect resources from asteroids. This ship also has the ability to repair capital ships while in flight. It comes in at least five tiers of increasing capability. It is regarded as a Mining Corvette.

Note: As of version 1.1, Rare Earth minerals can only be retrieved from refining ore. Rare Earth Mining Yield (15) and Rare Earth Chance (10%) no longer apply.

Despite Mining Speed and Yield being the same for all common tiers, mining speed is actually different for each tier as higher tier collectors mine their respective tier of ore faster than lower tier collectors. This also applies to Resource Controllers.


Bounty class - Utility-tye mining ship for collecting resources from asteroids. Flies to mineral rich asteroids and delivers the cargo to nearby flagships or controllers. Nearly identical to the older Harvest class, only with slightly larger engines.


Hull Armor Base Mining Speed Mineral Mining Yield Blueprint Source
Common 2,100 210 1,500 172 Complete the Chapter 2 Mission "Fabricator"
Hull Armor Base Mining Speed Mineral Mining Yield Blueprint Source
Common 3,500 350 1,500 172 Complete the Chapter 8 Mission "New Strike Craft"
Uncommon 4,200 420 1,500 206 1-day Login reward
Hull Armor Base Mining Speed Mineral Mining Yield Blueprint Source
Common 6,125 612 1,500 172 Research
Epic 9,800 980 1,500 275 ?
Hull Armor Base Mining Speed Mineral Mining Yield Blueprint Source
Common 10.6K 1,067 1,500 172 Research
Rare ? ? 1,500? 220? T3 Abandoned Freight Containers, Liaisons, Signal Missions (0.89% chance)
Epic 17K 1,708 1,500 275 ?
Hull Armor Base Mining Speed Mineral Mining Yield Blueprint Source
Uncommon 22.4K 2,247 1,500 206 ?
Rare 26.2K 2,621 1,500 240 ?
Epic 29.9K 2,996 1,500 275 ?


