Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara

Missile Frigate (HW3)
Ship Information
Anti-Strike Craft
Ship Type
Assault Frigate
RU Cost
950 RUs
Technical Information
230 m/s
2 x "Blizzard" Cluster Missile Launcher
Homeworld 3 Era

Full Attributes[]

  • Cost: 950 RUs
  • Build Time: 35s
  • Unit Cap: 15 Campaign (capture only), 15 Skirmish
  • Hitpoints: 22000
  • Main Engine Max Speed: 220
  • Rotation Max Speed: 30
  • Relative Mass: 10000
  • Primary Sensor Range: 5000
  • Visual Range: 1000
  • Retaliation Range: 2150
  • Abilities:
    • Volley Fire: Fires a powerful cluster of missiles at the target. Cooldown 45.

In-Game Description[]

Effective anti-swarm and Anti-Strikecraft Frigate.

Strong vs. Strikecraft and formations.

Weak vs. long-range, single-target, damage-based opponents.

The "Feral"-class Missile Frigate seems to be a dedicated escort platform designed to bring down large wings of high-speed Strikecraft before they can harm "Forger" and "Fatal"-class Frigates.

War Games Artifacts[]

  • Missile Frigate Fusillade Pattern: Increases Missile Frigate weapon range by 50% and damage by 50%. Reduces speed by 10%. Enables Fusillade upgrades.
    • Fusillade Upgrade, Outflank: Increases Missile Frigate weapon range by 50%. Reduces speed by 20%.
    • Fusillade Upgrade, Suppress: Increases Missile Frigate rate of fire by 10% and splash damage radius by 100%. Reduces damage by 10%.
    • Fusillade Upgrade, Salvo: Increases Missile Frigate rate of fire by 10%. Reduces speed by 10%. Enables passive self-repair.
  • Missile Frigate Phalanx Pattern: Increases Missile Frigate hit points by 75% and damage by 50%. Reduces weapon range by 15%. Enables Phalanx Upgrades.
    • Phalanx Upgrade, Persistence: Increases Missile Frigate hit points by 10%. Enables passive self-repair.
    • Phalanx Upgrade, Outmanoeuvre: Increases Missile Frigate speed by 25%. Reduces weapon range by 10% and splash damage radius by 20%.
    • Phalanx Upgrade, Outnumber: Increases Missile Frigate pop cap by 2. Decreases damage by 10%.


The counterpart to the Hiigaran Suppression Frigate. Note, while the in-game stat blocks and Compendium state this ship is also equipped with a SHEL Mk12 High Yield Torpedo which is found on some anti-capital units this is an error; the Missile Frigate only fires its anti-strike cluster missiles. Compared to the Suppression Frigate the Feral is a bit more effective. However, it is very vulnerable to heavy weaponry from anti-Capital ship vessels.

In the War Games, you do have the option of capturing some of these and they can help with anti-strike firepower. However even with artifacts they are not a very effective vessel.

