The Marine Frigate is a specialized Frigate operated by the Hiigaran Empire during the Vaygr War. It is the Hiigaran equivalent of the Infiltrator Frigate used by the Vaygr.
The Marine Frigate is a ship built with a similar role to the older Salvage Corvette, but unlike its precursor, it directly captures ships on the spot rather than dock the captured ship with a carrier ship. This is thanked, in part, due to it being based on a larger ship with more sophisticated technology that allows the ship to be both a salvager and a carrier at the same time.
Multiple Marine Frigates can capture larger capital ships faster, however only one marine frigate can be used for capturing frigates. It cannot capture Corvettes and Fighters.
During the Vaygr War. Captain Soban operated a black colored Marine Frigate on various occasions.
The Hiigarans utilised the Marine Frigate to retrieve the Oracle at the dig site in Gehenna as well as rescuing Captain Soban at Thaddis Sabbah