Encyclopedia Hiigara

Outskirts of Kadiir Nebula
M07 Outskirts Kadiir Nebula
Mission Info
Primary Objectives
Investigate Mayday Signal
Protect Convoy from Beast Missiles
Mission Navigation

Outskirts of Kadiir Nebula is the seventh mission in the Homeworld: Cataclysm campaign and involves the protection of a Taiidan Republican convoy.


The personnel aboard the Kuun-Lan has finally decoded the data from the Beacon Pod, which explains how the Beast came into being: the Naggarok picked up the virus during hyperspace. Immediately, they realised the destructive nature, but their efforts to contain the virus failed...


  • Investigate Mayday Signal
  • Protect Convoy from Beast Missiles



This is a short mission and only involves the defence of a friendly Taiidan Republic convoy from the Beast.

As soon as you gain control of your fleet, move everything towards the ping, including the Kuun-Lan. You need about 50 Acolytes here, so unlink any ACVs and build the remainder. Everything else should be docked in the Kuun-Lan and kept there, otherwise they'll just be destroyed.

Eventually, a group of Cruise Missiles will attack the Colony Ships. Split your Acolytes into three groups that covers the majority of the map and attack the missiles. They're very weak and will go down fast. Your only objective is to ensure that at least one of the Colony Ships makes it through the Slipgate.

Just keep attacking the enemy forces that enter and make sure any infected Colony Ship is destroyed fast, as they will produce missiles that will hassle your Command Ship. Once all the enemy is defeated, rebuild your fleet and harvest the meagre resources to be found here. Make sure to have at least two Ramming Frigates for the next mission...


  • The position of the Cruise Missiles is randomly generated: therefore, the mission's difficulty will be based on the position of your ships.
  • It is generally considered to be impossible to save all the transports, as the game is scripted to ensure that at least one colony ship will be subverted. This is done by spawning many more missiles than you can feasibly attack with your fleet, and almost always by ensuring some are spawned so close to a colony ship that it will be subverted.
    • Some players may be able to min-max the playing of the mission by repeatedly pausing and unpausing the game to precisely control the movement of at least 50 Acolytes to ensure that no ships are subverted, however as this is not a standard strategy and prone to errors, it is not something that is generally recommended or will be considered by most players. Guidance on how to do this can be found in this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUojKyRJLjA
    • A non min/max strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOhQAHAdJ-s
  • This mission is a good opportunity to rank up all your ships. After the Colony Ship is subverted, it will launch the first 2 missiles at the closest other Colony ship, and all the rest at your fleet, starting with Processors. It will keep launching Cruise missiles until destroyed, so, you might want to take advantage of this opportunity.
  • The number of refugees aboard the colony ships is unknown and never stipulated in-game. The cinematic between this mission and the next mentions 300,000 refugees having been saved, but this number does not change in any way. It may have been merely for the specific colony ship radioing
  • This mission and mission 4 are among the most infamous in Cataclysm for all the horror elements present. In particular, the voice acting for losing the Colony ships haunts many players.