Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara

Trinity Gate
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Mission Info
Primary Objectives
Data Spire Control
Build Ion Cannon Frigate
Capture Enemy Frigate
Prepare for Enemy Assault
Mission Navigation

The Khar-Kushan limps to a Gate Complex. Salvation lies ahead, but occupational forces stand in the way.

The Khar-Kushan, still with damaged Hyperspace Cores, has moved to a nearby hyperspace gate in order to attempt to get to a Progenitor repair facility in order to repair her cores.


Three Data Spires control the gate, however the Incarnate are also in the area.


  • Railgun Corvette - unlocks production of Railgun Corvettes
  • Railgun Corvette Burst Fire Pattern - gives an active ability to Railgun Corvettes to fire a 3 round burst at a target.
  • Mothership Overcharge Research - gives an active ability to temporarily increase the Mothership's damage output.
  • Ion Cannon Frigate - unlocks production of Ion Cannon Frigates
  • Ion Cannon Frigate Burn Mode Research - gives an active ability to Ion Cannon Frigates to charge up and fire a high damage blast at a target
  • Anti Strikecraft Turret - unlocks production of Anti-Strikecraft Turrets


When you first arrive you are safe from attack and can start harvesting a couple of nearby resource fields. If you have any Barrage Frigates still alive from before, this is a good time to Retire them and perhaps replace them with Assault Frigates which are vastly superior in every way. There is an Anti Strike turret between you and another safe field of resources close to Data Spire Delta; use frigates to quickly destroy it then send a Recon close to the spire to reveal the third field, and clear it.

The nearby Data Spire Delta can be safely captured once you deal with the lone defense turret, however the other two have multiple defense turrets stationed around them. However, each of these also has a tunnel leading to them from close to your initial warp-in position, allowing ships to get close to them without being fired upon.

If you leave Data Spires Alpha and Beta alone, you can safely use a moderate force of Assault Frigates to clear out every turret, fighter and corvette in the area around them which will give you safe access to two final resource fields. Once those have also been harvested, start the captures. After capturing a second spire you gain access to Ion Cannon Frigate research and are warned of an impending attack. Intel also wants you to capture an enemy frigate to learn more about these new enemies you've been encountering.

Once the frigate is captured and its escort force is destroyed, you'll learn the location of the inbound attack force and are tasked with ambushing it.
