Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara

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Mission Info
Primary Objectives
Destroy the Queen's Guard Battlecruisers
Mission Navigation

The Khar-Kushan exits hyperspace on the outskirts of a huge terrain field, NOCTUUA-27.

Imogen and Karan have a plan to weaken the Incarnate Queen, but first they must get her attention.


Destroy the Queen's Guard, a set of enhanced Incarnate Battlecruisers and their escorts.




The Mothership and her fleet start at the bottom of a terrain structure that gradually rises up to a castle-like peak. The mission is straightforward, destroy the Queen's Guard to get the Incarnate Queen's attention in order to enact Imogen's plan.

The Queen's Guard are a set of Incarnate Battlecruisers that have the following passive enhancements:

  • Her Will: This unit passively heals itself
  • Her Grace: This unit takes reduced damage from all projectiles
  • Her Hand: This unit has a higher rate of fire.

As before, Fusion Missiles will periodically be fired at the Mothership from the rear castle-like structure and they can do significant damage on a hit, so shoot them down beforehand. There are also a couple of active Production Bays in the area producing more ships; as before, destroying the nearby explosive stockpiles will destroy the Production Bay and slow down enemy attacks.

There are also several Carriers in the area that will periodically warp in reinforcements, destroy them to slow down enemy attacks.

When a Queen's Guard battlecruiser takes about 40% damage it will warp away close to the rear castle, and be repaired. The ships will stay there until you finally approach to attack them.

Once the 3 Queen's Guard battlecruisers are destroyed, the mission ends.
