The Great Daiamid served as the legislative body of the Hiigaran Empire, the Kushan during their time on Kharak, and the restored Hiigaran government after the overthrow of Riesstiu IV the Second, Emperor of the Taiidan Empire.
They existed as the peace keeping body between the different Kiithid. Whenever a dispute between them was brought up the Kiith-Sa would vote on the issue based on what was best for the population as a whole.
The Daiamid has been changed very little over history, but it has been destroyed and recreated three times.
The First Daiamid[]
The First Daiamid was that of the Hiigaran Empire and the aftermath of the Exile. The Daiamid survived the early days of the Exile and based themselves in Khar-Toba upon Kharak's settling. The Daiamid dissolved at some point after the First City was abandoned. In Kharak, the Daiamid gathered around the Guidestone, which was preserved in a S'jeti observatory temple.
The Second Daiamid[]
The Second Daiamid, or the Great Daiamid as it was known, was created on Kharak by Ifriit Naabal-Sa after the Heresy Wars, in order to maintain the peace he and his kiith established to save the Kushan from themselves. It was based in the largest city in the North, Tiir. It was destroyed after the Burning of Kharak.
The Third Daiamid[]
The Third Daiamid, or New Daiamid, was established after the Kushans defeated Emperor Riesstiu and retook control of Hiigara. It was very difficult to set up as few Kiith-Sa joined the Mothership Fleet, and thus many were killed in the Burning of Kharak. Due to the decimation several Kiithid endured, many were absorbed by the major ones. Their seat is on Assam Kiith'Sid, their capital.