It is known to the Cangacians people and the Tanoch Empire which evicted them, a Chintamani is identified as a Progenitor Energy Pattern Sequencer. Physically it is a energy node with a facing grid of circular conductor output faces in several faces in several configurations, the most common of which mounts a 15x15 output terminal array.
In practice the device is used for sending specific configuration sets of energy pulses, likely as part of an information transmission terminal or large communication array.
Because these terminals can function at low power levels, it is believed some Cangacian civilizations actually used these in varying capacities, from divinisation to heavy industry. They were sought after by the Tanoch Empire, which was the cause to invade several planets in search of them. It is not known how many the Tanoch possess, but in the past few centuries they have not gone out of their way to locate more.
Though the Cangaican people have lost the ability to use a Chintamani, it has become a culturally significant item among them, representing a promise form the makers that they, the Cangacian, would also one day inherit knowledge from the ancients for their benefit. They are venetated as good luck charms, and jealously guarded on the belief that a Chintamani can confer wisdom form the gods