Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara
"Mobile command authorized for autonomous military defense." — In game description

Gaalsien Carrier
Vehicle Information
Vehicle Production
Fleet Command
Resource Gathering
Vehicle Type
Command Carrier
Technical Information
533 meters
20 km/hr - 135 km/h
4x Point Defence Cannons
1x ATG Missile Battery
Long Range Missile Barrage Battery
Rate of Fire
Note: These are stats are from multiplayer.
Campaign units have different stats.

The Corvaal-class Gaalsien Carrier are flagships of the Gaalsien military, first sighted in 1094 KDS. An absolutely massive vessel that can serve as fleet command, cruiser production, air operations and resource gathering. The Gaalsien carrier is the centerpiece of major Gaalsien forces, and his second most powerful ones during the Desert Wars. A large number of them served during the invasion of coalition territories, with at least five of them destroyed by the expedition fleet towards the primary anomaly.


"Unlike their night mythical flagship, the Gaalsien main battle carrier (codenamed Corvaal by coalition intelligence) is a very well known fore. It was first spotted sixteen years ago, rarely in the beginning but now in larger and larger numbers. The Corvaal is usually found at the center of any given Gaalsien battlegroup, while the Corvaal class lacks the range and full production potential of coalition command carriers, it is durable, well-armed and fully capable of sustaining forward air operations by itself. When a more complete production operation is required. It can most often be found teamed with the Caaw Duk class of production cruisers." — Expedition Guide


Gaalsien carriers are heavily fortified and escorted by a myriad of vehicles, making them challenging to defeat. While armaments' and capabilities of Gaalsien carriers are identical, some do have much higher hull strength, like the K'had Sunder and K'had Retribution, especially compared to the multiplayer variant. Other Gaalsien carriers such as the Ashinta constantly build large numbers of cruisers, while the Ashoka will harass the Kapisi expedition with its aircraft.

Generally speaking, they are significantly more mobile than Coalition carriers, though not all encounters make use of this aspect. Rather than the single high-damage cruise missile, they can make use of missile barrages to bombard an area over time. While an advance warning is given to the player, they can still be difficult to fully evade by the Kapisi.

The Ashoka is the first Gaalsien carrier encountered by the Kapisi, which had pursued it to the Kalash Site. It had almost overwhelmed Kapisi's fleet with a multiple large formations of armor and railguns supported by siege cruisers before the coalition carrier Sakala arrived. After a protracted battle at the Beladin dune sea, the Ashoka and all her forces were destroyed.

Kapisi later encounters the Gaalsien carrier, Renza, which was extracting artifacts and evacuating the local Gaalsien bases. The Renza had lacked the heavy escorts that accompanied the Ashoka and was also eventually destroyed.

In the Whispering Gallery, two elite Gaalsien carriers almost destroyed the coalition carrier Sakala. But with the assistance of the coalition carrier Kapisi, throughout a very long battle involving large numbers of cruisers and air units, both Gaalsien carriers retreated and were eventually destroyed.

One unnamed carrier was destroyed by the orbital weapon when it was travelling towards the Khar-Toba.

The Ashinta was the last Gaalsien carrier encountered and destroyed by the Kapisi, which had been escorting the Gaalsien flagship, Hand of Sajuuk.

Known Gaalsien Carriers[]


Gaalsien carriers are fast and manuverable for a vehicle of its size. It has access to passive self-repair systems from the outset and the potent, long range weapons for combat as well. Compared to the coalition carrier, the Gaalsien carrier have more than double the top speed, higher agility, much faster self repair but a weaker hull and lower armor.

Gaalsien carriers with full power in its propulsion can travel just slightly slower than a sandskimmer, combined with its self repair ability, the Gaalsien carrier is more suited for hit and run attacks. Gaalsien armanents are primarily missiles and autocannons, it has no anti-air weaponry. Its firepower is roughly the same as a coalition carrier. This makes the Gaalsien carrier quite capable of holding its own against several heavy vehicles or a single cruiser.

When level 5 power reserve is researched, Gaalsien carriers can launch missile barrages, which bombards an area with dozens of missiles over a period of time. Missile barrages begin dealing damage almost instantly, compared the coalition's cruise missile. It is particularly effective against resourcing operations and slow moving convoys of vehicles, but not so much against heavily armored cruisers or carriers.

Like all carriers, the Gaalsien carrier is particularly vulnerable to the long range, potent weaponry of railguns and air strikes. Given its lower hull strength and armor, Gaalsien carriers must be careful in firefights. One shouldn't be hesitant to put full power into speed and escape an uncertain battle when the carrier has suffered significant damage.

It should be noted that Gaalsien carriers cannot build sandskimmers or heavy vehicles. It can only build baserunners, salvagers, aircraft and cruisers. Unlike the coalition carrier, it only has a single production line, with production cruisers serving as additional production lines to build heavy vehicles like assault ships or heavy railguns.

Like the coalition carrier, in order for it to be effective beyond serving as a production facility, research into carrier power is necessary.

Strong against:[]



Weak against:[]





Name CU Cost RU Cost Time Effect Prerequisites
Fleet Capacity 45 250 CUs 0 RUs 10s Fleet capacity increased to 45 None
Fleet Capacity 65 310 CUs 0 RUs 10s Fleet capacity increased to 65 Fleet Capacity 45
Fleet Capacity 85 390 CUs 0 RUs 10s Fleet capacity increased to 85 Fleet Capacity 65
Fleet Capacity 105 490 CUs 0 RUs 10s Fleet capacity increased to 105 Fleet Capacity 85
Fleet Capacity 125 610 CUs 0 RUs 10s Fleet capacity increased to 125 Fleet Capacity 105
Power Reserve 1 140 CUs 80 RUs 20s Increases carrier power by 1 None
Power Reserve 2 280 CUs 160 RUs 40s Increases carrier power by 2 Power Reserve 1
Power Reserve 3 460 CUs 260 RUs 60s Increases carrier power by 3 Power Reserve 2
Power Reserve 4 720 CUs 400 RUs 70s Increases carrier power by 4 Power Reserve 3
Power Reserve 5 1100 CUs 600 RUs 70s Increases carrier power by 5 Power Reserve 4
Power Reserve 6 1300 CUs 700 RUs 80s Increases carrier power by 5 Power Reserve 5
Power Reserve 7 1500 CUs 800 RUs 80s Increases carrier power by 5 Power Reserve 6


  • Gaalsien carriers have a crew complement of over a thousand.
Ships of Kharak
Coalition Ships
Basic Vehicles
Salvagers Foreman-class Multi-Utility Support Vehicle (DoK)
Light Attack Vehicles Pathfinder-class Light Attack Vehicle (DoK)
Baserunners Coalition Baserunner (DoK) • Disruptor-class Baserunner (DoK) • Science Team Baserunner (DoK)
Heavy Vehicles
Assault Vehicles Phalanx-class Armored Assault Vehicle (DoK)
Railguns Horizon-class Railgun (DoK) • Vista-class Railgun (DoK)
Air Defense Systems Catalyst-class Missile Battery Vehicle (DoK)
Logistical Support Cruisers Coalition Cargo Cruiser (DoK) • Warden-class Support Cruiser (DoK)
Assault Cruisers Eclipse-Class Artillery Cruiser (DoK) • Zenith-class Armored Capital Ship (DoK) • Vanguard-class Battlecruiser (DoK) • Spearhead-class Battlecruiser (DoK)
Fighters Hammer-class Strike Fighter (DoK)
Gunships Forge-class Gunship (DoK)
Bombers Anvil-class Tactical Bomber (DoK)
Landers Lander (DoK)
Carriers Ifriit-class Heavy Carrier (DoK) • Sakala-class Command Carrier (KapisiSakala) (DoK) • Soban Carrier (DoK)
Weapons & Logistics Platforms Sentinel-class Turret Post (DoK) • Defender-class Anti-Air Turret Post (DoK) • Shroud-class Disruption Device (DoK) • Watchman-class Tower Deployable (DoK) • Guardsman-class Tower Deployable (DoK) • Vigil-class Mine (DoK)
Drones Scyer-class Probe (DoK)
Gaalsien Ships
Basic Vehicles
Salvagers Slaa-class Multi-Utility Support Craft (DoK)
Light Attack Vehicles Sam't-class Sandskimmer (DoK)
Baserunners B'tir-class Deep Desert Support Craft (DoK) • Shadow Runner-class Defensive Support Craft (DoK)
Heavy Vehicles
Assault Vehicles Aard'th Saar-class Assault Ship (DoK)
Railguns P'torr-class Ultra Long-Range Platform (DoK) • P'Chirri-class Assault Railgun (DoK)
Air Defense Systems M'Toth-class Missile Ship (DoK)
Logistical Support Cruisers Caaw Duk-class Production Cruiser (DoK) • Edge-class Support Capital Ship (DoK)
Assault Cruisers Gauntlet-class Long Range Capital Ship (DoK) • Skaad'l-class Siege Cruiser (DoK) • Sajuuk Taa-class Honorguard Cruiser (DoK)
Fighters F'xbat-class Interceptor (DoK)
Bombers Bokiir-class Precision Bomber (DoK)
Carriers Corvaal-class Carrier (DoK) • Khaaneph Carrier (DoK)
Flagship Carriers Hand of Sajuuk-class Ultra Heavy Carrier (DoK)
Drones Nova-class Explosive Strikecraft (DoK)
Non-Kharaki Ships
Weapons Platforms Orbital Ion Cannon Turret (DoK)
Super Capital Ships
Dreadnoughts Kalash (DoK)
Non-Combat Ships
Logistical Support Ships Khar-Toba (HW/HW2/DoK)