Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara
"Highly armored vehicle equipped with two multi-phase railgun turrets. Strong against ground targets." — In game description

Soban Battlecruiser
Vehicle Information
Vehicle Type
780 CUs 220 RUs
Technical Information
111 meters
50 km/h
2x Dual Heavy Railguns
Smoke Launchers
Rate of Fire
Build Time
Fleet Supply
Note: These are stats are from multiplayer.
Campaign units have different stats.

The Spearhead-class Battlecruiser is a heavily armed and armored cruiser-class vehicle designed by Kiith Soban. It is presumed to be exclusive to the Kiith Soban, and only the Soban carrier can build them. They are only available in multiplayer with the Soban DLC.


The Soban battlecruiser has an overall similar appearance to the Vanguard battlecruiser used by the Coalition, with quad tracks mounted on a massive chassis featuring two heavy turrets as its primary armament. Soban battlecruisers appear to have two separate viewing stations, both on the starboard side, with a radome and a dish antenna. They both feature massive firepower, high armor and hull, with similarly low speed, long build times and high cost. As both battlecruisers were designed by Kiith Soban, the similarities are unsurprising.

Similarities end here, as Spearheads replace the Vanguard's heavy cannons with heavy railguns. In comparison, Soban battlecruisers deal slightly more damage per shot with much greater range, but with a lower fire rate, no blast radius and lack of effectiveness against LAVs and Sandskimmers. Soban battlecruisers have the advantage in long range engagements, where as coalition battlecruisers are only effective at moderate and short ranges.


Soban battlecruiser are effectively heavily armored, heavily armed railguns. Their armor and high hull renders them impervious to sandskimmers or LAVs. Speed and manueverability of railguns and Soban battlecruisers are roughly similar. Given their roles in the battlefield are similar to railguns, they share similar strengths, both in particular excel at destroy heavy vehicles, cruisers and carriers.

Like railguns, Soban battlecruisers benefit in wide open terrains, with no cover for their targets to hide behind. Their range greatly exceeds their sensor coverage, so LAVs or aircraft spotting targets ahead is necessary to engage enemies at maximum range. While they are not necessarily going to emerge victorious against a formation of railguns, they always do have the capacity to engage them, as they both have roughly the same range. Generally, in these firefights, it helps greatly to have their targets within sensor range, as railguns can technically outrange Soban battlecruisers if they are within the fog of war.

Compared to coalition battlecruisers, Soban battlecruisers have far greater range, but lower damage output due to a lower fire rate and lack of explosive shells. Coalition battlecruiser's explosive shells are effective at destroying groups of sandskimmers or LAVs, whereas Soban battlecruiser's railguns will have trouble targeting and hitting such high speed vehicles. Coalition battlecruisers will have the advantage only when it's weapons are able to fire on the Soban battlecruiser.

Against Khaaneph siege cruisers, Soban battlecruiser are relatively effective due to their armor greatly reducing the explosive shells launched from the siege cruiser and its lack of primary artillery armanent to attack encroaching targets behind cover. This is notable as Khaaneph siege cruisers are difficult to defeat in strictly ground engagements, with either coalition or Soban battlecruisers being most effective.

Support cruisers make the most ideal escorts since they can provide repair and anti-air defence. Large numbers of Soban battlecruisers are generally difficult to stop and destroy, but their high cost and long build times prevent them being hinder their mass production.

Like all vehicles, especially ranged vehicles, Soban battlecruiser greatly benefit from gaining high ground due to a 50% increase to its damage.

Strong against:[]



Weak against:[]




Name Effect Cooldown Cost
Smoke Screen Creates a smoke screen at the battlecruiser's location for 10 seconds 50s None


Rank Effect XP Required
Officer +3 Armor 3200
Lieutenant +200 Hull 6080
Lt. Commander +10% Damage 11552
Commander -15% Reload Time 21949
Captain +300 Hull 41703


Name CU Cost RU Cost Time Effect
Battlecruiser Fabrication 700 CUs 450 RUs 110s Enables battlecruiser production


  • Battlecruisers are always crewed by Kiith Soban.
  • Soban battlecruiser chassis can been seen at the Boneyard.
  • A logistical vehicle with an identical chassis to the Soban battlecruiser can be seen moving freight at Epsilon base.
Ships of Kharak
Coalition Ships
Basic Vehicles
Salvagers Foreman-class Multi-Utility Support Vehicle (DoK)
Light Attack Vehicles Pathfinder-class Light Attack Vehicle (DoK)
Baserunners Coalition Baserunner (DoK) • Disruptor-class Baserunner (DoK) • Science Team Baserunner (DoK)
Heavy Vehicles
Assault Vehicles Phalanx-class Armored Assault Vehicle (DoK)
Railguns Horizon-class Railgun (DoK) • Vista-class Railgun (DoK)
Air Defense Systems Catalyst-class Missile Battery Vehicle (DoK)
Logistical Support Cruisers Coalition Cargo Cruiser (DoK) • Warden-class Support Cruiser (DoK)
Assault Cruisers Eclipse-Class Artillery Cruiser (DoK) • Zenith-class Armored Capital Ship (DoK) • Vanguard-class Battlecruiser (DoK) • Spearhead-class Battlecruiser (DoK)
Fighters Hammer-class Strike Fighter (DoK)
Gunships Forge-class Gunship (DoK)
Bombers Anvil-class Tactical Bomber (DoK)
Landers Lander (DoK)
Carriers Ifriit-class Heavy Carrier (DoK) • Sakala-class Command Carrier (KapisiSakala) (DoK) • Soban Carrier (DoK)
Weapons & Logistics Platforms Sentinel-class Turret Post (DoK) • Defender-class Anti-Air Turret Post (DoK) • Shroud-class Disruption Device (DoK) • Watchman-class Tower Deployable (DoK) • Guardsman-class Tower Deployable (DoK) • Vigil-class Mine (DoK)
Drones Scyer-class Probe (DoK)
Gaalsien Ships
Basic Vehicles
Salvagers Slaa-class Multi-Utility Support Craft (DoK)
Light Attack Vehicles Sam't-class Sandskimmer (DoK)
Baserunners B'tir-class Deep Desert Support Craft (DoK) • Shadow Runner-class Defensive Support Craft (DoK)
Heavy Vehicles
Assault Vehicles Aard'th Saar-class Assault Ship (DoK)
Railguns P'torr-class Ultra Long-Range Platform (DoK) • P'Chirri-class Assault Railgun (DoK)
Air Defense Systems M'Toth-class Missile Ship (DoK)
Logistical Support Cruisers Caaw Duk-class Production Cruiser (DoK) • Edge-class Support Capital Ship (DoK)
Assault Cruisers Gauntlet-class Long Range Capital Ship (DoK) • Skaad'l-class Siege Cruiser (DoK) • Sajuuk Taa-class Honorguard Cruiser (DoK)
Fighters F'xbat-class Interceptor (DoK)
Bombers Bokiir-class Precision Bomber (DoK)
Carriers Corvaal-class Carrier (DoK) • Khaaneph Carrier (DoK)
Flagship Carriers Hand of Sajuuk-class Ultra Heavy Carrier (DoK)
Drones Nova-class Explosive Strikecraft (DoK)
Non-Kharaki Ships
Weapons Platforms Orbital Ion Cannon Turret (DoK)
Super Capital Ships
Dreadnoughts Kalash (DoK)
Non-Combat Ships
Logistical Support Ships Khar-Toba (HW/HW2/DoK)