Full Attributes[]
- Cost: 3200 RUs
- Build Time: 120s
- Unit Cap: 3 Skirmish
- Hitpoints: 130000
- Main Engine Max Speed: 180
- Rotation Max Speed: 16
- Relative Mass: 250000
- Primary Sensor Range: 7000
- Visual Range: 1000
- Retaliation Range: 2500
- Abilities:
- Fire Control: While active, removes this unit's ability to fire, but all nearby ally damage is increased (4km spherical range). Autocastable. Cooldown 3
In-Game Description[]
A slow, powerful juggernaut bristling with weapons.
Strong vs. everything.
Weak vs. heavy Capital and single-target, high-damage opponents.
When the first Incarnate Battlecruiser appeared, Hiigaran Intelligence hoped it was a one-of-a-kind flagship, but subsequent battles proved otherwise. The "Butcher"-class delivers a frightening amount of firepower, all packed inside a heavily armored hull which results in its only drawback: it makes for a very large and slow target.
Slow and admittedly powerful, but it has definite drawbacks. It is exceptionally vulnerable against long-range missile frigates such as the Smart Missile Frigate or Torpedo Frigate, who can keep firing on it while constantly moving away faster than it can catch up. In Skirmishes it is literally dead last in the research chain for the Incarnate so it will take you a while to get them onto the field, and it is very expensive. Also, while it does have 4 each of the Mag Cannons and Ion Cannons (2 each on either side of its hull), it has only ever been seen firing 2 of these at once. Compared to the Hiigaran Battlecruiser the Butcher is tougher and faster, but does not have a small Strike Craft hangar allowing them to dock for repairs. This ship is also a bit more vulnerable than Destroyers against Strike Craft as it is not quite as capable at hitting them.
In the Campaign these cannot be captured, and more often than not have some kind of special passive enhancement.
In the War Games, these are commonly a final "boss" unit for the final stage of Mission 3 and they are significantly enhanced in this mode, with over double the hitpoints and notably higher weapon damage.