Encyclopedia Hiigara
Encyclopedia Hiigara

Barrage Frigate (HW3)
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Ship Information
Anti-Strike craft
Ship Type
Assault Frigate
RU Cost
639 RUs
Technical Information
240 m/s
Anti-Strike Craft Missiles
SHEL Mk12 High Yield Torpedo
Homeworld 3 Era

Full Attributes[]

  • Cost: 639 RUs (Non-buildable, gained via Retirement)
  • Build Time: n/a
  • Unit Cap: 200 Campaign
  • Hitpoints: 9750
  • Main Engine Max Speed: 240
  • Rotation Max Speed: unknown
  • Relative Mass: 10000 (52000 tons)
  • Primary Sensor Range: 5000
  • Visual Range: 1000
  • Retaliation Range: 2150
  • Abilities:
    • Cluster Volley: Fires a powerful cluster of missiles at the target. Cooldown 45.

In-Game Description[]

Anti-crowd and swarm backline unit.

Strong vs. Strikecraft swarms, large groupings and against slower, low-range ships.

Weak vs. long-range, single-target, damage based opponents.

Technical Manual Description[]

The Barrage frigate provides much needed defense against better designed and organized Hiigaran Strikecraft. Barrage frigates operating from ambush positions can often devastate attacking strike wings before they even know they are in danger.

First encountered at the Battle of Kesura Gate, the Firestorm frigates appearance would have been a severe problem for the Hiigaran Fleet if it were not for elements of the WaveRider Squadron that had been trained in "terrain close" operation. They were able to use the massive Progenitor Gate facility to provide cover from the intense missile fire and catch the Firestorms at a disadvantage.[1]

War Games Artifacts[]

  • Not available in War Games


A Campaign-only unit that you can capture. Effective against Strike Craft and will be somewhat useful for a couple of missions, but it is a woefully obsolete design; it has the lowest hitpoints of any Frigate and miserable damage against anything that isn't a Strike Craft. Once you get access to the Assault Frigate, retire and replace the Barrage Frigate.


