Encyclopedia Hiigara

Assembly of Lords was a governing body of the Taiidan Empire, approving edicts of the Taiidan Emperor[1].


During the rule of Riesstiu IV the Second, the assembly was a token political body with no real rights. However, shortly before 9510 GSY, it begun to question some of the edicts that Riesstiu was creating. However, during the Homeworld War, the emperor dissolved the assembly.

It is unknown if the Taiidan Republic took over the assembly.


The people who were under the command of Riesstiu IV the Second, were as follow as requested by The Office of Lord Gisdalve, King of the Oceans of KnJ

  1. Lord Rashor, Mother of Medicine—Health care
  2. Lady Asha, Exarch of the Air and Keeper of the Eternal Strings—Entertainment
  3. Lord Gisdalve, King of the Oceans of Knowledge, Knower of Knowledge, Abrogator of Lies and Destroyer of Falsehoods—Historical Records and Archives
  4. Liege Barbola, Conductor of the Million Mouths—Food and Resource Logistics
  5. Lady Eytapea, Keeper of the Keys and Holder of the Sky's Ear—Internal Security and Navy Liaison
  6. Lady Korvakke, Supreme Justice Keeper of the Known Galaxy—Law and Justice [2].


  1. Homeworld: Cataclysm manual pg 14
  2. Homeworld Revelations Core-book pg 246