Full Attributes[]
- Cost: 850 RUs
- Build Time: 25s
- Unit Cap: 15 Campaign
- Hitpoints: 26500
- Main Engine Max Speed: 230
- Rotation Max Speed: 35
- Relative Mass: 10000 (40000 tons)
- Primary Sensor Range: 5000
- Visual Range: 1000
- Retaliation Range: 2150
- Abilities:
- Polarized Plating: Reduces incoming damage for a short period of time at the cost of engine maneuverability. Cooldown 120.
In-Game Description[]
An effective Anti-Strikecraft and skirmish cleanup Frigate.
Strong vs. Strikecraft and opponents with lower hull integrity.
Weak vs. longer-range and single-target, damage-based opponents.
The "Selbah"-class Assault Frigate is designed to dominate any Strikecraft-rich combat arena. Its dual high speed/high accuracy RFRs can engage Strikecraft and Recon-class vessels while its heavier, slower moving cannons take on Corvette and Frigate-class targets.
Technical Manual Description[]
The Selbah class Assault frigate is designed to dominate any Strikecraft-rich combat arena. Its dual high speed/high accuracy RFRs can engage fighter and recon class vessels while its heavier, slower moving cannons take on corvette and frigate class targets. This ship can be considered a classic "Hammer" of the Hiigaran Fleet, as it is meant to enter a mid-sized battle and deal damage over extended length of time.
The Selbah employs advanced dynamic electromagnetic hull plating to not only aid in repair and reinforcement but also allows main reactor power to be directed into the outer hull for limited time. This creates a super intense short range EM field through the armored plates, literally pulling them back into place when enemy fire might blow them into space. For the duration of the hull charging, damage from incoming fire is greatly reduced.[1]
War Games Artifacts[]
- Assault Frigate Berserker Pattern: Increases Assault Frigate damage by 50% and speed by 20%. Damage taken by Assault Frigates increased by 33%. Enables Berserker Upgrades.
- Berserker Upgrade, Conversion: Incoming damage modifiers now also increase damage dealt by Assault Frigates.
- Berserker Upgrade, Ruination: Increases Assault Frigate damage by 50%. Damage taken by Assault Frigates increased by 20%.
- Berserker Upgrade, Longevity: Increases Assault Frigate max hit points by 25%. Enables passive self-repair. Reduces Assault Frigate weapon range by 20%.
- Assault Warden Pattern: Increases Assault Frigate weapon range by 33%, rate of fire by 20%, and vision range by 20%. Enables Warden Upgrades.
- Warden Upgrade, Determination: Increases Assault Frigate rate of fire by 15%. Enables passive self-repair.
- Warden Upgrade, Hailstorm: Increases Assault Frigate weapon range by 25%, and rate of fire by 25%. Reduces damage by 20%, and speed by 10%.
- Warden Upgrade, Resilience: Increases Assault Frigate vision range and hit points by 25%.
A tough multi-purpose brawler as Frigates go, the Assault Frigate is a decent early-game frigate. While one by itself won't do much, a small group of them can be quite effective against Strike Craft, Corvettes and anything that doesn't hit back very hard. Compared to its Incarnate counterpart the Attack Frigate it is a fairly even match. In the later stages of the Campaign you'll find that these really don't hit very hard in general, and so will have limited usefulness.
In the War Games, its usefulness is limited by your Fleet Cap. Given the critical need for Support Frigates and that these are build-only in the War Games, unless you can significantly increase your Frigate Cap you won't be able to get much use out of them.